Saturday, February 28, 2015

Anne Gare's Rare Book and Ephemera Catalogue February 2015

Anne Gare's Rare Book and Ephemera Catalogue is a list of ten books in the Rare Book Room of Anne Gare's infamous bookstore in the devil-scarred city of Leeds, Massachusetts.

The book titles are:
  1. The Libellus Vox Larvae
  2. The Stockton Pamphlets
  3. The Barkerton Parade and Others by Ebenezer Chancre
  4. ME by Grancois Trumbull, Sr.
  5. The Dither Family Cookbook
  6. Bastions of Disquiet by Rangel Bantam
  7. Me and Your Shadow by Stephen King
  8. The Holy Bible
  9. Scrapbook
  10. ...
There are 50 copies numbered and signed. The first 3 are spoken for. The price of the book is $3.50 plus $1.50 shipping/handling, so $5.00 total by mail or $3.50 in hand. I have 25 additional copies on hand in the event that there's a bigger demand than I expected. I may have these with me, if any remain, to sell at 2015 conventions.

These pieces deepen and enhance the world of Leeds, Massachusetts and provide a little more information about its doomed residents and the shadow under which they live. It can be considered a companion piece to Gateways to Abomination, but also (I think) stands fairly well on its own as an odd little collection of vignettes.

Caveats: this is a chapbook made at a copy shop. It's not fancy, not coptic bound nor stab-stitched - it's stapled. Also, the short pieces therein will likely appear in a somewhat different form in a future collection in the follow-up to "Gateways."

Paypal $5.00 to and include your address, and I will mail you a copy. Additional caveat:  I cannot easily get to a post office on weekdays. Most likely I will mail the book the Saturday after the money is received.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

In the works

New projects in the works:

Anne Gare's Rare Book Room Catalog, my first DIY project, will be released before the end of February. 50 copies will be printed, numbered and signed. The price will be under $5.00 and it will be available here only. There may be 50 more copies after that, unnumbered, if the first 50 sell out. This will be a small chapbook collated and stapled locally by an independent print shop, to ensure quality. So, maybe not entirely DYI, but damned close. These bits of fiction will likely be included in my next collection, but I think this will be a nice, pretty piece to own. Previews here soon.

The Witch-Cult of Western Massachusetts, an illustrated chapbook, will be available on Amazon by, I hope, the end of April. The illustrations, by Alex Fienemann, are coming fast and furiously via gmail...and this, my friends, is going to be a very pretty book. 

I have a publisher for my next collection. This is big news. The book will be more than double the size of Gateways to Abomination, and will feature full length stories, as well as at least one novella. We're looking at the end of the year for this title.

Faed has been released, which includes my story "Pharaoh" from Gateways. I've begun reading the anthology, and I based upon what I've seen so far I can recommend it without reservation.

RESONATOR: New Lovecraftian Tales From Beyond will be available mid-March. This is going to be a great one. Preorder and enter to win a signed copy of Nick Gucker's excellent cover art.

High Strange Horror from Muzzleland Press will include my new story "Night Dog." Look for further information as Spring approaches (it really is approaching, they tell me).

The New England Horror Writers' third anthology will include another new tale of mine, "Master of Worms," along with new stories by Bracken MacLeod, K.H. Vaughn, Rob Smales and others. This is out in June and will be available at Anthocon.


Pre-order RESONATOR here and get a chance to win a signed print of the excellent cover art by Nick Gucker. Among stories by Scott Nicolay, Anya Martin, Christopher Slatsky and others you will find my brand new story "Machine Will Start When You Are Start."

Resonator: New Lovecraftian Tales From Beyond. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy. It's out mid-March.